What Should I Expect From A Chest MRI?

August 28, 2023 – 15 min read

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MRI Technologist Guiding Patient Comfortably Through MRI Scan

When you’re preparing for your first chest MRI, it’s completely normal to have questions and concerns. This guide is designed to provide you with straightforward answers. 

We’ll explain the reasons your healthcare provider recommended a chest MRI. Then we’ll cover the necessary preparations, describe the study itself, and discuss what happens after the scan. 

Finally, we’ll guide you through how to understand your results, as well as your potential next steps. 

Our goal is to give you a clear picture of the entire process. Let’s get started.

What is a chest MRI and why do providers recommend them?

In the simplest terms, a chest MRI is a study that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the structures in your chest. 

It’s a non-invasive way for your healthcare provider to take a closer look at the inner workings of your chest area (also known as the thoracic cavity), and it includes the heart and the lungs. 

Providers often recommend this study when they want to investigate symptoms you might be experiencing further or to monitor the progress of an existing condition. 

Since it doesn’t involve any incisions or injections, many people find it to be a more comfortable option compared to other studies available.

What medical conditions can a chest MRI diagnose or monitor?

The chest MRI is indeed a versatile tool in the hands of healthcare providers. It can help in diagnosing and monitoring a wide array of medical conditions. 

MRI is excellent for visualizing chest tumors, aiding in both their detection and in charting the right course of management. 

It can also be instrumental in studying the intricacies of vascular diseases, providing images that can help in understanding the extent and nature of the condition.

Furthermore, MRI is used in the assessment of congenital heart diseases, offering critical information that can guide treatment plans. 

It’s also a valuable resource in investigating unexplained chest pain or symptoms, helping to pinpoint the underlying causes. 

Through a chest MRI, your healthcare provider can monitor the progress of known conditions, adjusting treatment plans as necessary to ensure the best possible outcome for you.

How do I know if a chest MRI is the right study for me?

Generally, this study might be the right choice if other diagnostic imaging tools have not provided enough information or if you have certain conditions where MRI is known to be particularly beneficial.

Your provider will weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks based on your individual health history and current symptoms. They’ll consider factors such as the nature of your symptoms, your medical history, and what information they are seeking to gain from the study. 

Rest assured, the recommendation for a chest MRI is often made with careful consideration of your unique circumstances.

What should I discuss with my doctor before scheduling a chest MRI?

Before you schedule a date for your chest MRI, it’s prudent to have a comprehensive discussion with your healthcare provider. 

This conversation should ideally cover any concerns or questions you might have about the study. You might want to inquire about the duration of the study, what preparations are required, and if there are any restrictions post-study.

Discuss any existing health conditions and medications you are on, as these can sometimes influence the study’s results or your comfort during it. 

If you have any anxiety or concerns about the study, don’t hesitate to bring these up as well. Your provider can offer guidance on how to manage any potential unease, ensuring that you feel safe and supported throughout the process.

Preparing for your chest MRI

Ensuring a smooth and effective MRI scan often begins with the right preparations. In this section, we’ll guide you step-by-step on how to get ready for your upcoming chest MRI. 

You’ll learn about potential dietary or medication adjustments, appropriate clothing choices for the day, and the essential information to share with the MRI technician to ensure a successful and safe scan. 

Your preparation plays a pivotal role in the accuracy and success of the scan. Read further for your pre-MRI checklist.

How should I get ready for my upcoming chest MRI?

Ensure that you are well-rested before the study. On the day of the MRI, it’s a good idea to keep your schedule light to avoid any stress or rush. 

Make a list of any questions or concerns you might have, and bring it along to discuss with the MRI technician. 

Remember, the goal here is to walk into the imaging center feeling calm and well-prepared, so take some time out to relax before you head in.

Are there any dietary or medication restrictions before a chest MRI?

Before your chest MRI, it’s essential to adhere to the guidelines given by your healthcare provider regarding dietary or medication restrictions. 

Generally, you might be asked to avoid eating or drinking anything for a few hours before the study. 

When it comes to medications, your healthcare provider will guide you on whether to continue your regular medications or make any temporary adjustments. 

It is crucial to follow these instructions diligently to ensure the most accurate results, so make a note of these guidelines, and stick to them as your appointment date approaches.

What clothing should I wear on the day of the MRI?

You should opt for clothing that is loose-fitting and devoid of any metal zippers, buttons, or accessories such as the aglets of shoelaces, because the MRI uses a strong magnetic field. 

Comfort is key here, so when you’re choosing clothes, pick soft, breathable fabrics that will keep you comfortable during the study (although do not wear athletic wear that may contain metallic fibers).

You might be asked to remove any jewelry, watches, or other metal objects before the study. It might be easiest to just leave those items at home to avoid any hassle.

What information should I provide to the MRI technologist before the study?

Make sure to provide the MRI technologist with a thorough history of any previous surgeries, implants, or any medical devices you might have in your body. 

If you have a history of allergies, especially to contrast materials (if your study requires contrast), it’s crucial to mention this as well. 

Also, if you are pregnant or suspect that you might be, informing the technologist is essential as they might need to take additional precautions or adjustments for your safety. 

Finally, if there’s anything that you think might make you more comfortable during the study, don’t hesitate to mention it.

What happens during your chest MRI

Entering the MRI room can be a new experience for many, and understanding the process can reduce uncertainties. In this section, we’ll outline the typical duration of a chest MRI and discuss the sensations and experiences you might encounter. 

We’ll also touch on the various positions you may need to assume during the scan and provide guidance for those who might feel anxiety or claustrophobia. 

Equip yourself with the knowledge below to make the procedure more comfortable and predictable.

How long does a chest MRI usually take?

Generally, you can expect the study to last between 30 to 60 minutes. However, the exact duration might vary, depending on the specific details your healthcare provider is looking to gather. 

It’s always a good idea to allow a bit of extra time in your schedule, just in case the study takes a bit longer than expected. This way, you won’t feel rushed and can take the experience in stride, feeling calm and composed.[

What will I experience during a chest MRI?

Once you are settled on the examination table, you’ll be slowly guided into the MRI machine, which is a tunnel-like structure. 

It’s important to understand that the interior will be well-lit, and you’ll find yourself surrounded by a comforting hum as the machine starts working its magic. 

You’ll hear various noises like a rhythmic thumping or tapping, which is completely normal. Many facilities offer earplugs or headphones with music to make this auditory experience more pleasant for you. 

Your comfort is important, so feel free to communicate with the technologist through the intercom system, at any point during the study.

What positions might I be asked to be in during the MRI?

You will be asked to lie on your back, with cushions provided for support and comfort. 

Depending on the specific areas being focused on, the technologist might ask you to adjust your position slightly, perhaps turning to one side or the other. 

It’s very important to keep as still as possible to ensure the clearest images. But don’t worry, the technologist will guide you through any necessary movements and adjustments, making sure you’re always comfortable and at ease.

What should I do if I feel anxious or claustrophobic during the study?

Feeling a bit anxious is perfectly natural, especially if enclosed spaces make you a little uneasy. 

If at any moment you feel claustrophobic or anxious, there’s a handy alert button you can press to communicate with the technologist. They are always there to help, and to make any adjustments needed to enhance your comfort. 

Remember that your well-being is the top priority. Feel empowered to voice your needs and preferences, at any stage of the study.

After your chest MRI scan

Once the MRI machine powers down and you’re ready to step out, you might wonder what comes next. 

This section provides insights and other things to consider after the conclusion of your chest MRI.

We’ll address potential post-study discomforts and guide you on actions to take if you experience any side effects. Furthermore, we’ll discuss the timeline for getting back to your usual routine. 

Here’s what you should know about the post-scan phase.

What should I expect immediately after the MRI?

Right after the MRI study, you’ll likely find yourself stepping out of the machine and back onto solid ground. 

Your technologist will be nearby to assist you and answer any immediate questions you might have. They’ll ensure that you are feeling alright before guiding you to the changing area if necessary.

You might experience a little stiffness if you were in the machine for a longer period, so take a moment to stretch and shake it off. Generally, you can just collect your belongings, and then be on your way.

How should I take care of myself after my chest MRI?

You might want to hydrate yourself with a refreshing drink or a small snack to replenish your energy. 

Remember to take it easy and give yourself the time to bounce back, especially if you were feeling a bit anxious earlier.

What steps should I take if I experience any post-study discomfort or side effects?

While it’s rare, sometimes a few individuals might experience minor discomfort or side effects post the study. 

If you notice any unusual sensations or discomfort, don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider to discuss your symptoms. They might suggest some remedies or advice to alleviate your concerns.

When can I resume my normal activities?

In most cases, you can resume your normal activities almost immediately after the MRI study. 

However, if you had a contrast dye used during your study, your doctor might have some specific guidelines for you to follow. 

Otherwise, you’re all set to jump back into the swing of things with gusto and energy.

Understanding your chest MRI results and the next steps

After undergoing a chest MRI, understanding the results and determining what steps to take next might feel a bit overwhelming.

This section guides you on the timeline and methods for receiving your MRI results. 

We will explore how radiologists interpret these images, and provide a checklist of questions you should consider asking your healthcare provider. 

Additionally, we’ll explore potential next steps or additional studies that might be recommended based on your results. 

Knowledge is power, and our goal is to equip you with the information you need to move forward confidently.

When and how will I receive the MRI results?

As the soft hum of the MRI machine fades away, you might find yourself pondering about when and how you’ll be reunited with the results of your study. 

Typically, the images captured during the study are examined by a radiologist, a doctor specializing in interpreting medical images. Once they have examined the images meticulously, a detailed report will be shared with your healthcare provider.

You can expect to receive your results within a few days to a week, depending on the center. Your healthcare provider will then arrange a follow-up appointment, either in person or through a teleconsultation, to discuss the findings with you.

How are the results of a chest MRI interpreted?

The MRI images offer a detailed glimpse into the intricate structures of your chest, helping the experts to identify any abnormalities or changes that might be present. 

During the interpretation phase, the radiologist will study the fine details in each image, looking for any signs that might indicate a medical condition or issue. This process is highly meticulous and demands a keen eye. 

The results will be a comprehensive study of your chest region, so your provider can understand the radiologist’s findings, and translate those results into actionable insights for you.

What questions should I ask my provider about the results?

Engaging in a candid conversation with your provider about the results is a crucial step in your journey. Here are some potential questions that you might consider asking to foster a meaningful dialogue:

  • Can you explain the findings in simple terms?
  • Are there any areas of concern that we need to address immediately?
  • What implications do these results have on my overall health?
  • Are the findings consistent with the initial suspicions or are they indicating something different?
  • Can you recommend any lifestyle modifications or therapies based on the results?

Feel free to note down your questions, and bring them along to your appointment. Remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question when it comes to understanding your health.

What are the possible next steps or follow-up studies based on the results?

Depending on the nature of your results, the journey might take different routes. In some cases, the MRI study brings good news of a clean bill of health, setting you on a path of regular monitoring and lifestyle adjustments to maintain that vibrant health.

However, if the study reveals any areas of concern, your healthcare provider might recommend further investigations to gather more information. This could include additional imaging studies, laboratory studies, or consultations with specialists to build a holistic view of your overall health.

No matter what the results indicate, you and your healthcare provider will team up to find the best path forward, ensuring that you are equipped with the tools and knowledge you need to stay healthy.

How to schedule a chest MRI appointment with us

Our goal is to offer you and your healthcare provider the most informative MRI results possible, and we make it easy for you to get an appointment. 

With numerous locations across South Jersey, you’ll find us conveniently located near major highways and key bridges in the region. 

We’ll ensure the entire scheduling process is as effortless as possible for you. Above all, we are here to help you.

Reach out to us at any of the following locations to book an appointment:

Learn more about the board-certified, subspecialized radiologists who read, analyze, and interpret the MRI findings here at SJRA.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a chest MRI and why is it commonly recommended by healthcare providers?

A chest MRI is a non-invasive imaging study that allows healthcare providers to obtain detailed pictures of the structures within your chest, helping them to diagnose, monitor, or plan treatment for various medical conditions.

How do I prepare myself for the chest MRI procedure, especially concerning dietary and medication restrictions?

To prepare for a chest MRI, you should follow any specific instructions given by your healthcare provider, which might include dietary restrictions, such as fasting for a period of time, and/or adjustments to your medication schedule.

What kind of clothing is most suitable to wear on the day of the MRI?

On the day of your MRI, it’s advisable to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing without any metal components or accessories, as you will need to remove any metal objects before the study.

What kind of information will be beneficial to share with the MRI technologist prior to the study?

Before the study, it is essential to inform the MRI technologist about your medical history, any metal implants such as artificial heart valves, stents, screws, or clips, any known allergies, and if there is a possibility of you being pregnant.

Can you describe the common sensations or experiences one might encounter during the MRI study?

During the MRI study, you might experience a loud tapping noise and a feeling of vibration, but you will not feel any pain; it is important to remain as still as possible to ensure clear images.

What measures can I take if I feel anxious or claustrophobic during the chest MRI?

If you feel anxious or claustrophobic during the procedure, it’s essential to communicate with the technician, who can offer support or potentially provide you with a sedative to help you relax.

How long should I anticipate waiting to receive my chest MRI results, and how are they generally communicated?

Typically, you can expect to receive your chest MRI results within a week, and they are usually communicated through a follow-up appointment with your healthcare provider where they will discuss the findings and any necessary next steps with you.

What suggestions do you have for questions I should ask my doctor once the results are presented?

Once the results are presented, you might ask your doctor about the implications of the findings, potential treatment options or follow-up procedures, and any steps you can take to address or monitor your condition effectively.

Larchmont Imaging and SJRA have united to elevate patient care across South Jersey!

For over 80 years, both Larchmont Imaging and SJRA have been recognized for their state-of-the-art technology, industry-leading subspecialized radiologists, and exceptional patient care. 

What does this mean for you?

  • Our new, combined footprint now includes 16 convenient locations across Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester counties to serve you better.
  • Enjoy more locations with flexible appointment times, including early mornings, evenings, and weekend hours, to accommodate your busy schedule.
  • Benefit from increased availability of same-day and next-day appointment times for quicker imaging results.
  • Schedule your appointments online, 24/7, for greater convenience.
  • Access the highest quality imaging services, typically only offered at hospitals, at costs up to 60% less.

You will continue to have access to the same compassionate office team, highly trained technologists, and experienced radiologists you’ve known and trusted for years.

Thank you for entrusting us with your care. We are excited to continue this legacy together as SJRA to serve our community even stronger.