Breast Imaging Portal

Conveniently access your breast imaging results and reminders

The MagView Breast Imaging Portal is our dedicated resource containing your breast exam results and digital copies of your reminders.

Once you are in your account, you will be able to access the following:

  • Notification Letter – This letter provides a non-clinical summary of your exam results.
  • Referring Physician Letter – This report contains the clinical findings from your exam and is sent to your referring physician.
  • Recall Letter – This letter is a reminder to schedule your breast imaging appointment.
  • Tyrer-Cruzick Risk Assessment Results – This assessment helps determine your risk of developing breast cancer through out your lifetime.
Adult Woman Smiling Feeling Confident After Receiving Breast Imaging Results

Please access our breast imaging portal below:

Speak to a Patient Support Representative

We will connect you with a representative to answer any questions you may have regarding the MagView Breast Imaging Portal. Please call (609) 284-9344 or fill out the contact form below.

"*" indicates required fields

MagView Breast Imaging Portal Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access the breast imaging portal?

All your breast imaging reminder notifications and risk assessment results can be accessed via our dedicated breast imaging portal. Please follow these steps to set-up your account:

If you have not received the email to access your new account, please follow the steps below:

1.) At the time of check-in for your next appointment, please provide us with a valid email address.

2.) After your appointment is complete, you will receive an initial email to setup your account at to access the dedicated breast imaging portal.

3.) Once you are in your account, you will see two tabs: Notifications and Letters and Risk Assessment

If you are having trouble accessing your new account, please contact (609) 284-9344 or email our support team at for assistance. 

I used to receive my breast imaging reminders in the mail. Why do I no longer receive them?

Your follow-up reminder is available to view after logging into the breast imaging portal. If you do not view the reminder within 3 – 5 days after it is posted, a printed copy will be sent to you in the mail to the address associated with your account.

Weather Update - Thursday, February 6th

SJRA is open for normal business hours across all of our locations. We will continue to monitor conditions and update messaging should conditions change.  Scheduled patients will be notified of any closures via text or phone call should they occur. Thank you!

South Jersey Radiology is back in-network with Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey

South Jersey Radiology Associates (SJRA) and Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey have reached an agreement. SJRA will rejoin the Horizon network on January 1st, 2025. We look forward to continuing to provide the highest quality care for the thousands of patients who rely on SJRA in our Southern New Jersey community.

Our team cannot thank you enough for your support and patience during this time. The countless emails, phone calls, and social media outreach were a powerful reminder of the trust you have placed in us at SJRA to provide the highest quality care to our community.

Schedule now for appointment dates starting on 01/01/2025 by selecting an option below:

Our care team will also be in touch with you directly if your appointment was canceled previously, to get any outstanding or current imaging scheduled.

Thank you for your support and choosing us as your trust healthcare provider.