Get a PET/CT scan at South Jersey Radiology

A PET/CT is an imaging technique that helps physicians understand how well your organs are working. By using a small amount of a special material called a radiotracer, it can detect even the smallest changes in organ function. PET/CT imaging combines two types of technology, making the study quicker and more comfortable for you. You and your physician will get clear and detailed information up to 50% faster, allowing for quicker treatment decisions.

Your physician might suggest a PET/CT if they suspect a problem with your organs or want to assess how well a treatment plan is working. PET/CT scans are not only used for cancer staging and treatment, but may be recommended for:

PET Technologist Positioning Patient Before PET CT Scan
PET CT Images Whole Body
Nuclear Medicine Technologists Preparing Patient For PET CT Scan
PET CT Images Of Brain

Our PET/CT Locations

South Jersey Radiology provides PET/CT studies across 2 of our office locations. SJRA offers next-day appointments at select locations to meet your busy schedule.

Locations Providing:

• Mount Laurel

• Turnersville

Dad Playing Outside With His Kid On Shoulders

PET/CT Patient Reviews

South Jersey Radiology provides inviting outpatient facilities accompanied by friendly and supportive staff, making for a comfortable experience for our patients.

View our available PET/CT appointments at a location near you today

What to expect during your PET/CT

After you arrive at one of our centers, one of our PET/CT technologists will greet you, and carefully review your medical history with you. Then, the technologist will walk with you to a private room where a radiotracer will administer intravenously (IV) into your arm’s vein. The radiotracer is completely harmless and will absorb safely. The radiotracer will travel through your body to be absorbed by the area being studied.

After a few moments, you will lay on an examination table where the PET/CT scanner will capture images. It is important to remain still during the study, as movement will affect the quality of the images. Once the study is completed, you will be free to leave and resume your normal daily activities.

PET Imaging Technologist Speaking With Patient About Her Study

PET/CT Frequently Asked Questions

Who needs a PET/CT scan?

Your physician may recommend a PET/CT scan for you if they suspect or are actively treating cancer, to assess the stage, monitor treatment response, and detect recurrence. 

A PET/CT scan is not only used for cancer, but has various applications including neurological evaluations, cardiac issues, and assessing metabolic activity of various organs.

How should I prepare for a PET/CT scan?

PET/CT requires very minimal preparation. Your physician and our team at South Jersey Radiology will provide you with specific guidelines to follow based on your medical history. Here are the important, more general guidelines to follow before your appointment:

• Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment.
• Avoid any heavy physician activity prior to your appointment. 
• Maintain a high-protein and low-carb on the day before your appointment.
• Avoid eating or drinking (except water) for at least six hours prior to your appointment.
• Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that doesn’t contain any metal objects including jewelry, buttons, belts, and zippers.

Is a PET/CT scan safe?

A PET/CT is deemed safe, with low levels of radiation used in the radioactive tracer and CT imaging, which dissolve quickly from the body. To aid the influence of these traces, it is recommended to consume extra fluids in the days following your appointment. 

Please inform our staff and your physician if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as undergoing this study is not recommended in these situations. It is important to disclose any history of diabetes or kidney disease to our staff, as these conditions may influence your results.

Is a PET/CT used in cancer staging?

An oncologist may order a PET/CT to evaluate the stage of cancer, determine the location for a biopsy, and measure the effectiveness of a treatment plan.

If I am claustrophobic, can I get a PET/CT scan?

If you are claustrophobic, don’t worry – you can still have a PET/CT scan. The CT machine used during the study is a wide, donut-shaped hole with an open back, not enclosed. 

Typically, the study will last between 20 – 30 minutes. Our technologists will be there every step of the way to ensure you feel comfortable at all times. If you’re feeling anxious about your appointment, don’t hesitate to reach out to your physician. They can talk to you about ways to help reduce your anxiety before you come in for your appointment.

How is a PET/CT scan different from a CT scan?

Imagine a CT scan as taking a series of pictures (slices) using X-rays to give us a detailed view of your bones, organs, and tissues inside your body. When we add a PET scan to this, it gives us even more detailed information about how your organs and tissues are working. It allows you and your physician to get a closer look at what’s going on inside to better understand your health.

When will I get my results?

Once your PET/CT is complete, one of our board-certified, subspecialized radiologists will analyze the results and develop a detailed report for your physician. Your physician will receive the report within 48 hours and follow up with you to go over the results. 

After 5 – 7 days, your reports and images will be available to you via our easy-to-access patient portal.

Is A PET/CT covered by insurance?

South Jersey Radiology is in-network with 99% of health insurance providers. If you are unsure about our network status with your health insurance provider, please contact your provider directly. In some cases, insurance companies may attempt to tell you which radiology centers are preferred. As the patient, you have the right to choose if you would like your study performed as South Jersey Radiology.

Weather Update - Thursday, February 6th

SJRA is open for normal business hours across all of our locations. We will continue to monitor conditions and update messaging should conditions change.  Scheduled patients will be notified of any closures via text or phone call should they occur. Thank you!

South Jersey Radiology is back in-network with Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey

South Jersey Radiology Associates (SJRA) and Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey have reached an agreement. SJRA will rejoin the Horizon network on January 1st, 2025. We look forward to continuing to provide the highest quality care for the thousands of patients who rely on SJRA in our Southern New Jersey community.

Our team cannot thank you enough for your support and patience during this time. The countless emails, phone calls, and social media outreach were a powerful reminder of the trust you have placed in us at SJRA to provide the highest quality care to our community.

Schedule now for appointment dates starting on 01/01/2025 by selecting an option below:

Our care team will also be in touch with you directly if your appointment was canceled previously, to get any outstanding or current imaging scheduled.

Thank you for your support and choosing us as your trust healthcare provider.