Category: CT Scan Basics

Patient Undergoing CT Scan Comfortable Headrest

Understanding Your CT Results: A Brief Guide

One of the most useful diagnostic tools available in modern medicine today is a CT scan, which medical professionals use to diagnose many different conditions. CT scans (or computed tomography scans) are used...

November 27, 2023 – 6 min read
CT Technologists Discussing Medical Imaging Process With Female Patient

How Do You Protect Your Body From Radiation During A CT Scan

Radiation sounds scary, but medical scans that use radiation are not scary at all – in fact, these scans actually help diagnose and treat hurt, rather than cause it. If your doctor has...

January 30, 2023 – 10 min read
CT Technologists Discussing Medical Imaging Results

Why Would A Doctor Order A CT Scan Instead Of An MRI Scan?

When your healthcare provider recommends a CT scan instead of an MRI scan, it’s likely because they believe it will give them the most useful information for understanding your condition. Sometimes, your provider...

January 16, 2023 – 9 min read
CT Technologist Speaking With Male Patient on CT Scan Table

How Should You Prepare For A CT Scan

Preparing for a CT (computed tomography) scan is easy, but it can get more complicated as CT scans get more specific. Your prep will depend on the area you are getting scanned, whether...

January 3, 2023 – 10 min read
Male Patient Undergoes CT Scan With Monitor Of Live Results

Cancers That Show up on CT Scans

Detecting cancer early is important for effective treatment and improved outcomes. While some cancers have specific screening methods like mammograms for breast cancer or MRIs for prostate cancer, others are harder to detect....

August 11, 2022 – 6 min read

South Jersey Radiology is back in-network with Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey

South Jersey Radiology Associates (SJRA) and Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey have reached an agreement. SJRA will rejoin the Horizon network on January 1st, 2025. We look forward to continuing to provide the highest quality care for the thousands of patients who rely on SJRA in our Southern New Jersey community.

Our team cannot thank you enough for your support and patience during this time. The countless emails, phone calls, and social media outreach were a powerful reminder of the trust you have placed in us at SJRA to provide the highest quality care to our community.

Schedule now for appointment dates starting on 01/01/2025 by selecting an option below:

Our care team will also be in touch with you directly if your appointment was canceled previously, to get any outstanding or current imaging scheduled.

Thank you for your support and choosing us as your trust healthcare provider.