Patient Portal

Conveniently access your imaging results

South Jersey Radiology is pleased to launch our new patient portal. Our easy-to-use, mobile friendly Fuji Synapse Patient Portal provides access to your past and future exam results, and personal health record all in one place.

Couple Smiling After Their Run

Please select a portal option:

The Fuji Synapse Patient Portal provides you with secure, electronic access to all of your past and future exam results in one place. To gain access to our new patient portal, please follow these steps below:

  1. Select the “Fuji Synapse Patient Portal” button below.

  2. Once selected, you will be redirected to

  3. Under “Member Sign-In” in the top left corner, please select “New to the portal? Request an account”

  4. Fill out the access form and select “Request Access”

  5. Once your access has been approved, you will receive a confirmation email containing your username.

  6. Your temporary password will be set to what was provided to us on the access form.

If you previously had access to our patient portal, you must re-enroll in order to continue receiving your exam results electronically.

Fuji Synapse Patient Portal

If you cannot see your historical exam results from South Jersey Radiology and need immediate access to them, please log-in to our portal below using your old username and password. 

If you cannot see your historical exam results from Larchmont Imaging and need immediate access to them, please log-in to our portal below using your old username and password. 

MagView Patient Portal

Health Companion Patient Portal

Speak to a Patient Support Representative

We will connect you with a representative to answer any questions you may have regarding our patient portal. Please call (609) 284-9344 or fill out the contact form below.

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