All your breast imaging reminder notifications and risk assessment results can be accessed via our dedicated breast imaging portal. Please follow these steps to set-up your account:
If you have not received the email to access your new account, please follow the steps below:
1.) At the time of check-in for your next appointment, please provide us with a valid email address.
2.) After your appointment is complete, you will receive an initial email to setup your account at to access the dedicated breast imaging portal.
3.) Once you are in your account, you will see two tabs: Notifications and Letters and Risk Assessment
If you are having trouble accessing your new account, please contact (609) 284-9344 or email our support team at for assistance.
Your follow-up reminder is available to view after logging into the breast imaging portal. If you do not view the reminder within 3 – 5 days after it is posted, a printed copy will be sent to you in the mail to the address associated with your account.